spain and the european union

THE spanish constitution

THE spanish state symbols

The constitution of 1978 is a document that presents the most important principles and values  of the country  fredom,justice,equality and political. It also covers the rights and responsabilities of spanish citizens.

There are three official symbols of the Spanissh State : the coat of arms , the flag and the national anthem.

The coat of arms is made up of six other coasts  of arms.It has the spanish national motto Plus Ultra , which means further beyond  in Laatin . The ribbon wich has the motto ,is wrapped around the Pillars of Hercules . The four coats of arms in the centre represent Castilla , Leon ,Aragon and Navarra .

power division

legislative power

The Parlament writes the laws.

They have congres(upper house) and the senate(lower house).The menbers of congres are called deputies and the menbers of the senate are called senators.

The senators represent the autonomous comunities.Citizen they have to vote+18 to vote.


executive power

After a general election ,the political party with the most votes forms  a  goverment .The members of the congress select a Prime Ministers .The Prime Minister is the Head of goverment  and he or she appoints the Ministers .They work in different areas like education and economy

judicial power

The  judicial and magistrates who work in the courts make sure people respect and obey the law.


 The highest court for all matters not relating to the Constitution is the SUPREME COURT.It  can accept or reject sentence passed in the lower courts.



Each autonomous comunity has statute of autonomy. If includes information about the territory ,its capìtal the official languaje or lenguages , the goverment institutions and legal power and the simbols: its flag,anthem and coat of arms. The autonomus govermement deals with local issues.

autonomous communities, cities and provinces

There are 17 autonomous communitis in Spain and two autonomous cities , Ceuta and Melilla . The autonomous communities have one or more provincies which are then divided into municipalities.

the spanish monarchy

Spain is a parliamentary monarchy, wich means the kingsor queen is the Head of State, but Parliament makes and approves laws.

As Head State, King Felipe VI does not make any laws.He represents Spain in interational relationships . He also commander in chief of the Spanish Armed Forces.

The Princess of Asturias,Leonor,is heir to the throne after her father.

Felipe VI became the King of Spain in 2014 when his father,King Juan Carlos I,abdicated.The Constitution currenly states that the male firstborn child is the first in line to the throne.The Constitution permits a female heir to the throne if she has no brothers.