We need Energy every day to make light, heat, sound.
We also need energy to provide power for machines.
There are many forms of energy:
All objects have kinetic energy when they are moving.
This motion creates energy, for example flowing water has kinetic energy that can be transformed into electrical energy.
All object have potencial energy. This energy is stored in the objects.
This form of energy is the sum of the :
kinetic + potential energy.
This energy comes from a heated substance.
When this thermal energy is transferred from one object to another, we call it heat( calor)
This form of energy is released during a chemical reaction.
Do you thing photoshynthesis could be a chemical reaction?
This energy can provide power for machines.
Electrical energy can be converted into :
light,heat,sound, movement.
How does electrical energy can be generated?
This energy can be:
1.- Natural , comes from the Sun, fire ...
2.- Artifitial , comes from light bulbs, led bulbs, torches...
This energy comes from sources that produces vibrations.