forms of energy

We need Energy every day to make light, heat, sound.

We also need energy to provide power for machines.

There are many forms of energy:

kinetic energy                ( Cinética)

All objects have kinetic energy when they are moving.

This motion creates energy, for example flowing water has kinetic energy that can be transformed into electrical energy.

potential energy           ( Potencial)

All object have potencial energy. This energy is stored in the objects.

mechanical energy        ( mecánica)

This form of energy is the sum of the :

kinetic  + potential energy.


thermal energy              ( térmica)

This energy comes from a heated substance.

When this thermal energy is transferred from one object to another, we call it heat( calor)

chemical energy              (química)

This form of energy is released during a chemical reaction.

Do you thing photoshynthesis could be a chemical reaction?

electrical energy           ( eléctrica)

This energy can provide power for machines.

Electrical energy can be converted into :

light,heat,sound, movement.


How does electrical energy can  be generated?

light energy                     (lumínica)

This energy can be:

1.- Natural , comes from the Sun, fire ...

2.- Artifitial , comes from light bulbs, led bulbs, torches...


sound energy

This energy comes from sources that produces vibrations.